After Deployment


AfterDeployment is a website designed to help Service Members and their families normalize after a Deployment. The content is topic based, listing issues users might have with articles, self-assessments, and links to professional help. Although this award-winning website has helped many people, the huge amount of content needed to be organized so users can flow through the site more easily. The redesign also needed to be responsive.


I took the Product Development team through the entire UX process for this. We started with a review of user feedback, then moved onto Competitive Analysis, creating "Jim" and "Sarah's" journeys, then organized the information to create a new site architecture. From there I sketched the key pages starting with Home, designed the layouts, all with the the user in mind and the Product Development team's feedback. The revised site is currently in testing.


Design Process:

  • Research

  • Personas

  • User Journeys

  • Website Architecture

  • Low Fidelity Sketches

  • Team Reviews

  • High Fidelity Screen Mockups for Testing

  • Style and Layout Documentation